Incorporating Structural Alignment Biases into an Attentional Neural Translation Model

Trevor Cohn, Cong Duy Vu Hoang, Ekaterina Vymolova, Kaisheng Yao, Chris Dyer, Gholamreza Haffar

Link to paper


  • Positional bias
    • add position of source and target word as additional input to attention model
  • Markov condition
    • adds input that suggests monoticity between the input and output
  • fertility (coverage?)
    • Local fertility: Sum of all prev. attention weights in a window surrounding source word
    • Global fertility: Fertility is incorporated into the loss function as a regularization term, that penalizes words for being being overly attended to. This would be implemented by producing an fi (fertility) for every word at the end of translation, to be added into the loss term.
  • Bilingual symmetry
    • Train two models jointly - one for S->T other for T->S translation train them. This is done with:
      • combining their loss terms (-ve log likelihoods)
      • A trace bonus term which tries to keep the two resulting alignment matrices as similar to each other as possible

All the above are inputs to the f_ji calculation that is the unnormalized attention weight for a source word(i) for decoder step j

Things I learned

  • Fertility or coverage seems like a nice (and now common) way to exclude words that have already been generated or downweight them in future calculations. Seems like a better way to incorporate prior attention weights when generating new ones, than Luong’s input feeding method where attention weights are fed along with input variables into the RNN.
  • Coming into the paper I expected an approach that would constrain the attention in a harsher sense. But the model tries to incorporate bias in a much softer manner, by just feeding the right inputs, which the authors believe will make the MT come up with better translations.
  • For markov condition and fertility, use a window of fixed k words to make the weight matrix independent of size of source sentence(which is obviously variable)
  • First time I’ve seen an NLP paper use a task based loss function to optimize (global fertility and bilingual symmetry)


  • How would positional bias (or any of the other biases) work in languages that don’t have monotonic relations if the inputs are just positions of the source and target word (i,j)?
  • Does the markov condition make sense for languages that don’t have monotonic alignments?
  • What are the window values at the beginning and end where there is no i-k or i+k respectively?
  • Isn’t the epsilon(alpha_j-1;i) calculation an indexing operation? How is that differentiable?
  • In the global fertility model, how are mean and standard dev. decided?
  • In the symmetry training objective, instead of the trace bonus, would it make sense to use cosine similarity bet attention matrix(s->t) and (t-s) transpose? As a measure of similarity…
  • The ablation test could be more fine so we can see the relative contribution of each- position, markov and local fertility as well
    • Also why don’t they use pretrained embeddings for everything, instead of just for global fertility? And aren’t pretrained embeddings generally not useful for machine translation?


  • The non-linear function applied over this input will hopefully allow more complex interactions to be learned
  • My guess is that it will only be useful for monotonic language pairs, and will be downweighted in other cases by the neural network
  • My guess is that they’ll be zeros. Similar to how convnet works at the boundaries of an image. This is an implementation decision.

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