Lexically Constrained Decoding for Sequence Generation Using Grid Beam Search

Chris Hokamp, Qun Liu

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Introduces Grid Beam Search- a way to to generate sequences conditioned on some input (for machine translation, but essentially any seq2seq model) as well as lexical constraints ie. a set of tokens that have to be present in the target sentence.

The paper uses it in the context of interactive machine translation, which is an iterative, human-in-the loop type of MT.

Things I learned

  • OOV words are handled during test time using subword units? This is definitely a problem one can expect to face in Machine Comprehension. But this solution makes more sense for Machine Translation
    • Subword representations provide an elegant way to circumvent this problem, by breaking unknown or rare tokens into character n-grams which are part of the model’s vocabulary (Sennrich et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2016).


  • What happens if a sentence is required to repeat certain words which are part of the constraints. If I’m right, the algorithm doesn’t allow repetition of constraint words Is this realistic for MT? How about for Question Generation?
    • My naive guess is that it isn’t possible to generate such sentences. Need to reason this out with the algorithm
  • What enforces a token in the constraint to be in the final result? Line 22 is where the assignment to the beam happens. Doesn’t look like a chosen token has to be from the constraint list

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