Good Question! Statistical Ranking for Question Generation

Michael Heilman Noah A. Smith

Link to paper


The Learning to Ask paper uses this as a baseline. This paper came out in 2010 before the current wave of neural approaches- embeddings, rnns etc.

Basic idea is to successively transform using rules, a declarative source sentence into a simpler sentence, and then into a question phrase. Does not even attempt complex queries requiring multiple sentences. As there are many rules, multiple questions can be generated from the same sentence. A logistic regression model is trained to judge the quality of these questions and eliminate bad ones. Essentially a feature based classifier. The authors refer to this as the overgenerate and rank approach.

Things I learned

  • A rule based system is hard. This looks difficult, time consuming work. And difficult to scale and test as with most rule based systems. But I suppose it’s good as a baseline.
  • The transformation implicitly determines the type of question asked ie. the quality of the question asked relies on the strength of transformation
  • Transformations are done using a language called Tregex, which works on phrase structure trees produced by the Stanford Parser.
  • Every sentence is guaranteed to have multiple types of questions due to the rule based sentence-question transformation. Not so in the Learning To Ask paradigm.
  • Question answer datasets were far smaller then. Neural approaches are possibly only feasible now.


  • Really need to understand what exactly a parser is. What are POS tags, category labels?
  • What is a dependency tree? Is it the same as above?
  • How do neural learning to rank models work? Is it just a name given to scoring a bunch of items using logistic function and then ranking them?

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